Thursday, April 2, 2009

So what have I been up to?

I'm on a moving-on stage and so far, I am not that successful. LOL Well, I don't think I can really move on in the sense that I don't think I can actually forgive those people who did me wrong. Anyway, this post is not about that but about my guitar playing.

I'm so happy! I can play some songs now, at least those with chords that I already know... the basic ones ;) I love playing guitar now as it is so relaxing and fun. When I don't write articles, I either play poker, runescape or I practice playing my guitar and all these activities are done in my room. Yes, I stay in my room most of the time. I just go out to eat and watch a bit of TV when I need a breather. Pathetic, huh?

Well, at least I'm earning! LOL Guess this is how I try to move on... by staying IN.


Pats said...

halu pre! ;) kmusta kna? me, im doing good. i resigned last tues, and effective april27. i'll be joining lexmark then, hehe.. ;D good to hear your seriousness sa imo new found hobby.

lila said...

wow you resigned? I thought you already got promoted? Ano work sa Lexmark? How is greggy? Yeah, I'm serious sa new hobby hehehehe! teach me ha! weeh