Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What's the opposite saying for "when it rains, it pours"???

We still remain hopeful despite what's happening right now. After dad's 2d-echo examination, we found out about the bad news. Dad needs a bypass surgery and it should be within 3 months. We need around P1,000,000 for this surgery and we don't have that amount of liquid asset. How can we sell a part of our property that quick? We only have our farm to sell. Who would even care to buy a few hectares of land especially at this time when farming doesn't seem to have hope???
Money is just money but a person's life is far more important. For now, I am just sad with what's going on. I can't believe this is for real. I wish everything's just a dream. Gosh... can't believe this is REALLY happening to us. Why? Why?!!! Why do we have to endure such pain? How long can we still hang on?
I need more prayers... For my dad and for my family.
---To my friends who continually send messages and show their compassion, thank you very much.


scatterhaiku said...

that sounds like such a tough situation. :( you have my prayers...

we're also trying to sell a piece of property quickly because of a sick relative. maybe you could hire a broker or several, to try to sell it for you? they would ask for a commission, but you can negotiate that. or you could mortgage the property? but that would depend on how much a bank would be willing to loan, secured by the farm.

where's the farm?

lila said...

No, it's okay. We ended up deciding not to sell the farm but they gave the farm to me and my husband to manage. We can gather enough money for the operation without selling my parent's prized possession so we really thank God.

scatterhaiku said...

ah, good. very good. :)